Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 01-Jul-2024 00:00 EEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Top Path] [Users Flow] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search Phrases] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 720
Total Files 720
Total Pages 720
Total Visits 720
Total KBytes 373
Total Unique Sites 1
Total Unique URLs 1
Total Unique Referrers 720
Total Unique User Agents 1
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1 2
Hits per Day 24 24
Files per Day 24 24
Pages per Day 24 24
Visits per Day 24 24
KBytes per Day 12 12
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 720

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
2 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
3 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
4 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
5 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
6 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
7 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
8 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
9 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
10 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
11 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
12 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
13 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
14 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
15 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
16 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
17 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
18 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
19 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
20 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
21 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
22 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
23 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
24 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
25 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
26 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
27 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
28 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
29 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%
30 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 24 3.33% 1 100.00% 12 3.33%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
1 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
2 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
3 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
4 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
5 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
6 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
7 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
8 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
9 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
10 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
11 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
12 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
13 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
14 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
15 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
16 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
17 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
18 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
19 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
20 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
21 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
22 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%
23 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 30 4.17% 1 16 4.17%

Top 1 of 1 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 720 100.00% 373 100.00% /cron.php

Top 1 of 1 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 720 100.00% 373 100.00% /cron.php

Top 1 of 1 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 720 100.00% 719 100.00% /cron.php

Top 1 of 1 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 720 100.00% 718 100.00% /cron.php

Top followed paths

Users flow

Top 1 of 1 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 720 100.00% 720 100.00% 373 100.00% 720 100.00%

Top 1 of 1 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 720 100.00% 720 100.00% 373 100.00% 720 100.00%

100 most used search phrases grouped per search engine
Key phrases Nb Times %
This engine
All engines
Target URLs
View all search phrases

Top 1 of 1 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 720 100.00% Wget/1.12 (linux-gnu)

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 720 100.00% 720 100.00% 373 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by The WebDruid 0.5.4